We are told in James 1:22 to “Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.” In order to hear and do God’s Word we must read and respond to what we read. Doers of the Word is designed to saturate a believer in the Bible, challenge them to appropriate respond in obedience, and meditate throughout the day on the truth that they have learned. A Decision to Change It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. What is being done in “Christianity” today IS NOT WORKING, therefore, we need to do something different. Joshua told the people in Joshua 24 to make a decision, right now, who they were going to serve. Today, you must make that same decision! 1. Honest Identification – Call sin, sin in your life! Don’t make excuses or try to pretend there is no problem. 2. Radical Amputation – Choose to remove the sin whatever the cost. Whatever it takes! Radically amputate! 3. Total Saturation – Soak yourself with scripture. That’s exactly what this reading chart was designed to do. This is a must for spiritual success. Provision for the Spirit 1. Memorize – Work at memorizing the Word of God. 2. Meditate – Think on a Scriptural truth throughout the day. Use the 3x5 card method. On the top of a 3x5 card write the date. On the bottom line, write the passage(s) that you read that day. Write a truth to believe, a promise to claim, or a command to obey. Keep the card with you and review it throughout the day. This is meditation. 3. Move – Move in obedience to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you through the Word. Down load and print a chart today … and become a doer of the Word! |
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